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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Community Wellbeing Hub


Providing Safer Physical And Virtual Spaces

Our community wellbeing hub provides local communities with a safer space where they can comfortably come, meet and connect with one another in a free and non judgemental manner. This enables the communities to work together creatively, actively and safely thereby improving their health, understanding and wellbeing.

Our wellbeing hub provides meeting rooms with Internet and other amenities.The hub provides a variety of services including training and employment, NHS health visitor sessions, community conversations and many more. 


Our Community Wellbeing Hub Services

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Mental Health

We support individuals and groups through 1-1 and community based mental health and wellbeing programmes. Individuals can attend through self or other referral programmes.
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Gardening Projects

We provide creative projects for outdoor and gardening activities to address issues arising from complex individual and societal challenges.
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Multiple community engagement and connection opportunities to explore, identify and act on issues affecting our communities in a timely manner.
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Covid-19 Support

We provide food parcels, household items and mental health support to those affected by Covid-19 pandemic and other emergencies to help them cope.
Picture 5: The health care workers and training participants having received their certificates of achievement for the two days training.


Number of Hub Users

Community Connections Activities

Our events bring people together and connect diverse communities.

We run community events to celebrate diversity, particularly encouraging different cultures to come together. During these events, we share knowledge and information, and encourage community cohesion.

Through our events we discuss key community issues such as female genital mutilation (FGM), access to opportunties, jobs, skills, rising costs of living and other issues affecting local communities. 

We use these events to bring communities together and advocate for change. We challenge stereotypes of different communities through awareness raising activities and large scale information sharing.

Other Community Hub Activities include Gardening Project, Coffee Mornings, Training & Employment, Community media, Youth Voices among others. Visit us and engage with the local communities.