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Do you think you have Covid-19?

Getting and Using The Right Informartion

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) said a higher proportion of people from ethnic minority backgrounds live in areas hit harder by Covid-19.

However, they tend to be younger on average, so should be less vulnerable.

But the report found various black, Asian and minority ethnic groups were experiencing higher per capita deaths.

And after accounting for differences in age, sex and geography, the study estimated that the death rate for people of black African heritage was 3.5 times higher than for white Britons.


a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)

a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)

These are the main symptoms of coronavirus.

The 111 online coronavirus service will ask about your symptoms and tell you what to do.

Get Tested!

We all know a number of Black and minority ethnic workers are in key worker positions and continue to uphold the economy through their vital jobs during this crisis. It is important therefore that you take care of yourselves and loved one’s around you, by knowing your covid19 status.

Did you know as a key worker, you are entitled to getting tested for coronavirus?

Apply for a test to check if you have coronavirus

  • If you have symptoms of coronavirus, you can apply for a test if you:
  • are an essential worker (such as people who work for the NHS or emergency services)
  • are aged 65 or over
  • cannot work from home (such as construction workers or delivery drivers)
  • live with an essential worker, someone aged 65 or over, or someone who cannot work from home

Get your voice heard if you receive unfair treatment!

When you need medical treatment it can be worrying and exhausting. If you are not feeling at your best you may not feel like complaining, or making suggestions about how your care could be improved. And perhaps you feel that the doctors and nurses ‘know best’ and don’t want to challenge them or ask them questions, especially at a time like this.

However, anyone receiving medical treatment can expect to be treated with professionalism, courtesy and respect by all the staff with whom they come into contact – not just the doctors and nurses.

And you should always feel that you can ask questions about what is happening to you, make suggestions about the care you receive, and choose what treatment you receive and how you receive it.

(Patient First)

The NHS should:

  • ask you if you agree to treatment,
  • give you information about treatment choices,
  • treat you with care and skill,
  • keep your personal information confidential,
  • let you see your health records, and
  • respect your human
  • NHS staff should follow codes of practice and
  • If you think that the NHS has not acted properly, you can
  • You can take legal action against the NHS if they break the law

Useful information - Rights!

What are my rights when I use the NHS?

The NHS always has to respect your legal rights.


You can refuse treatment, even life saving treatment. This is the case even if other people disagree with your decision. But there are exceptions. Your doctor can treat you even if you don’t want it if:

you are in hospital under the Mental Health Act 1983, or

you cannot make decisions because you ‘lack capacity’.


Your doctor should give you clear information about risks, side effects and any other relevant information about your treatment. This is to make sure you have all the information you need to make decisions about your treatment.

Access to treatment

You have the right to use NHS services if they can help you. The services cannot refuse to help you without a good reason. If the waiting times for a service are too long you may be told about different places you can get the same or similar treatment.

Standard of care

Health professionals must use reasonable care and skill when they treat you. This means different things in different situations. Your doctor should follow trusted medical opinion and not do something that other doctors wouldn’t do. You should always get care and treatment that is appropriate for you and your needs. Your health professionals should also think about your preferences.

You have a right to be cared for in somewhere safe, clean and suitable. You should be given suitable food and drink to keep you well while you are there.


Health professionals must not tell other people about your diagnosis, condition, treatment or other personal information. They can only tell other people if:

  • you tell them they can,
  • they need to in an emergency, or
  • a court orders them

Medical records

You have the right to see your medical records. Your medical records must be up-to-date, accurate and relevant. It is possible to have some mistakes corrected in your records, although medical opinions are usually not removed.

Human rights

NHS services must respect your human rights. For example, they have to respect your private and family life.


You have the right to use NHS services without being unlawfully discriminated against on the grounds of disability or other characteristics. This protection is under the Equality Act 2010.


You also have a right to complain about any NHS service if you are unhappy. The NHS must acknowledge your complaint and investigate it properly.

About PALS

The Patient Advice and Liaison Service, known as PALS, has been introduced to ensure that the NHS listens to patients, their relatives, carers and friends, and answers their questions and resolves their concerns as quickly as possible.

PALS also helps the NHS to improve services by listening to what matters to patients and their loved ones and making changes, when appropriate.TrustBerkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Lastly, if you have any further concerns, Rianna Croxford BBC Community affairs journalist is currently leading ground breaking investigative journalism in unfair health treatment and services for ethnic minorities for both patients and key workers. Please (responsibly) contact her directly via email: or to ensure your views and experiences make it to the right platforms, so change, real change occurs.

About The Author