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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Gender-Based Violence Myth Bursting.


No More Cutting! We Can End FGM Together

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a global human rights issue affecting girls, women, and communities all over the world. Utulivu is working with other like-minded groups to together end FGM in a generation.


Girls And Women Worldwide Have Undergone FGM


Girls And Women At Risk Of FGM Each Year.


Girls And Women Living With The Consequences Of FGM In The UK


The Rise In NHS Recorded FGM Cases Over The Past 5 Years In England

Tackling FGM Activities & Services

In tackling FGM, we support girls and women through 1-1 counselling and other forms of support, enabling them to speak out and help bring an end to FGM among their communities and empower them to be the leaders driving this change and support those living with its consequences.

We work towards the protection of girls at risk and the restoration of dignity of African women and girls affected by FGM. We raise awareness, provide training and inform on policy. We work towards the improvement of access to appropriate services through advocacy and by raising awareness about effects and the impact of FGM and other Harmful Traditional Practices on the lives of women and girls affected by them. 

FGM Logo

Support and contact for FGM Services

Utulivu understands that FGM is not a single story and is more than cutting. Therefore we involve all members of the community: youth, women, men and community, and faith leaders from countries across Africa.

Our approach is based on the English Government’s 4 Ps in ending FGM being: