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Maximising your God-given talent to be the change we seek

Annice Thomas has had a love of history and poetry since she was 10 years old. As a community champion, she regularly sends poems to a variety of groups as her way of keeping people hopeful and motivated.

It was her great joy to create a collection of poems to accompany the Life Stories project.  During last year’s Old People’s Day, she sent out a poem in dedication to our community seniors.

This was picked by the Age Uk and now by the Reading Rural Museum as seen through the link below

Annice continues to use her poetry talent to reach out to the community especially the difficult covid-19 experience and encourages all the community champions to maximise their talents in making the difference that is most needed in the times we are in.

Beside is the poem Annice has dedicated to this year’s Women International Day.

Loving Your Enemy

Loving your enemy is a hard thing to do

Especially when your enemy is your partner too

Tormented by ruthlessness 

Feelings of worthlessness 

Walking on eggshells night and day

Masking bruises, too scared to say

Mental torture, wretched humiliation 

No family, no friends, 

total isolation 

Constant gaslighting, no sleep, no money

This is deadly serious

 It really isn’t funny

Campaigners say No more! No more!

Victims too afraid to walk out the door

Children cowering in silent fear

Nursing victims, wiping tears

The detriment of daily coercive control

Crushes the mind, body and soul

Food and sex on demand 

Living at the perpetrator’s evil command

Loving your enemy is a hard thing to do

Especially when your enemy is your partner too

About The Author