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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Partnership Working

Harnessing the Power of Partnership Working in Tackling Gender-Based Violence.

Utulivu continues to embrace the strength behind partnership working, an aspect of their work that so far continues to make them not only survive but thrive in positively impacting the communities. Gender-based violence remains a public health concern that hugely threatens our communities’ health & wellbeing and largely, the women & girls we support. In July, together with Project Salaam(, founded and run by Jacqueline Mukono, we took the bold step of extending this piece of work to Slough where we were joined by the Victim First Berkshire ( and hosted by Turning-Point ( .

We felt safe in this space as we discussed matters affecting women survivors of Gender-Based Violence from a point of strength and inspiration as we show-cased our creativity in glass decorations and sharing of health food. We also explored the different types of self-care and how we can use that to support ourselves first to be in a position to extend that support to another person. Please join us every other Wednesday10-12pm for connections, inspiration, and self-care. Visit for more information