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(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Working With Asylum Seekers & Refugees

Together Better Supporting the Asylum Seekers & Refugees In our Communities.

Planning for changes in the population at a local, regional and national level is key to
highlighting the implications for staffing and the service delivery when it comes to
working with Asylum Seekers & Refugees. This includes but not limited to the
development of the culturally appropriate services/support that will meet the needs of
the increasing numbers of refugees’ aging population as well as the young people
the services (both mainstream and voluntary) continue to see. This will in effect
address the health inequalities’ gab that continue to widen in our communities and
services. This is only possible if the services work together and better understand
this vulnerable group. It will not only reduce the pleasure to our services but also the
financial implications and more importantly their health and wellbeing.
I found the article below very informative in the way forward in the support/services
to the Asylum seekers and the Refugees and hope that it will help inform the
services you are already providing to this very vulnerable group.