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How to freeze fruits and vegetables

Freezing is a really good way to preserve fruits and vegetables, and this is why it is crucial to do it right. There are some techniques which can prevent the fruits and vegetables to clump together and thus can avoid wastage of food. It is important to mention that there are some vegetables which are not suitable for freezing such as: chicory, endive, kale, lettuce, cucumber, radishes and Jerusalem artichokes.

For the softer vegetables and fruits all there is to do is to open freeze them by placing them on a non-stick baking sheet or lined with baking parchment, space each piece well apart and then freeze until solid.

This time if possible, set the freezer to the lowest temperature so then the fruits and vegetables can freeze faster and thus smaller ice particles will be formed. Once they froze, take them out and put them into a freezer bag and label them, so it takes up less space and then put them back to the freezer. For harder fruits or vegetables, like beans it is worth putting them into a boiling water and cook them for 1-3 minutes (depending on the vegetables e.g. for broccoli it’s more like 5-7 minutes), then remove with a slotted spoon and plunge into ice cold water to stop the cooking.

Then open freeze them by placing them on a non-stick baking sheet and freeze them until solid. After this take them out of the freezer and put them in a freezer bag and label them.

The benefit of open freezing is that it allows you to store fruits and vegetables without them clumping in a big block and allows you to use what you need as and when, instead of having to defrost the whole amount.

Original article can be found here:

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